Gilead Reaches Number One Spot as Top Overall Philanthropic Funder of HIV-Related Programs, According to Funders Concerned About AIDS Report

May 19, 2022

Gilead Sciences, Inc. was officially recognized as the number one philanthropic funder of HIV-related programs in a new tracking report released by Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA). The report, found at:, is released annually and is widely regarded as the most comprehensive study of its kind. It analyzes 2020 funding data (the most recent year available) revealing that Gilead’s philanthropic support wholly drove the increase of private HIV and AIDS philanthropic funding – representing 38% of all HIV funding and driving a majority of the increases in funding across all issues, populations and geographies. Gilead is also recognized in the report as the number one funder in the U.S. and the number three funder internationally. The report indicates that, “Private HIV and AIDS philanthropic funding to the U.S. rose for the seventh year in a row, totaling over $321 million in 2020, a dramatic 52% ($109 million) increase from 2019.”

In addition to being recognized as the number one funder both overall and in the U.S., Gilead was also recognized as the number one funder across a range of categories, including:

  • Number one funder addressing the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Number one funder of Black, Indigenous and people of color communities in the U.S.
  • Number one corporate funder

“Gilead’s support for community organizations is part of our enduring commitment to ending the HIV epidemic,” said Daniel O’Day, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Gilead Sciences. “We believe that real progress is only possible through collaboration and partnership. That is why we invest in the extraordinary efforts our partners are undertaking to reach underserved populations, eliminate barriers to care and educate communities. It is inspiring to see the work that goes on across these groups and we are proud to play a role in supporting them.”

Gilead’s philanthropic efforts are administered through a number of signature initiatives and programs designed to reach key populations and communities across the U.S. and around the world.

RADIAN®, launched in 2019 with the Elton John AIDS Foundation, addresses challenges in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, where the annual rate of HIV diagnoses continues to rise. In the U.S., HIV Age Positively® aims to improve the health and quality of life for those who are aging and TRANScend® supports Trans-led organizations improving the safety, health and wellness of the Transgender community.

To assist grantees who faced imminent closure or termination of services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Gilead CARES was launched in 2020, providing up to $20 million in donations to nonprofit groups. The Gilead COMPASS Initiative®, a 10-year, $100+ million partnership with community-based organizations, is working to combat the HIV epidemic in the Southern United States, and is responsible for driving sharp increases in funding across the U.S. South, which had been in decline over the previous two years.

According to the report, “In 2020, funding disbursements to the U.S. South increased sharply, by $28 million (76%), after having declined the two previous years. Again, as in 2017, this increase is largely attributed to large disbursements for Gilead’s COMPASS Initiative. COMPASS funding is distributed to its coordinating centers, located across the U.S. South, in large sums, but is then granted out into the community over a couple of years.”

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