
Gilead COMPASS Coordinating Centers

About Gilead Grants

The Gilead COMPASS Coordinating Centers provide resources for HIV disease control and prevention from community grants to organizations across the Southern United States to support the development of programs and activities that align with programmatic focus areas of the Gilead COMPASS Initiative®. Four different funding mechanisms are available through the Coordinating Centers: Capacity Building grants, SPARK! grants, ACTION grants, Faith Action & Congregational Partner grants, and Transformative grants.

Transformative Grants

TGP Applications Open Now – April 11, 2024

Transformative Grants are focused on supporting the development and implementation of programs and activities that address the four programmatic focuses of the Gilead COMPASS Initiative® Coordinating Centers, including organizational capacity building; wellbeing, mental health, trauma-informed care, substance use, and telehealth; faith based advocacy; and HIV-related stigma reduction. The maximum amount an applicant can request is $100,000 (including overhead).

Through COMPASS-funded programs and initiatives, we’ve been able to train over 47,000 individuals in leadership development, serve over 400,000 through implementing partner programming. With COMPASS support, grantees have expanded programs improving access to needed care and treatment, increasing local leadership and advocacy and tackling stigma across the Southern United States.

A brief description of the four Transformative Grant funding areas is listed below. For more details about the funding areas and award, please review the Request for Proposals (RFP) application.

Funding Area: Building Organizational Capacity
Lead Coordinating Center: Emory University Rollins School of Public Health

This initiative will allow applicants to seek funding to support organizational capacity building activities in at least one of three focus areas: 1) Sustaining and Advancing Initiatives, 2) Organizational Mentoring and Twining and/or 3) Community/System Level Interventions. 

Funding Area: Wellbeing, Mental Health, Trauma-Informed Care, Substance Use and Telehealth
Lead Coordinating Center: University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work

This initiative will focus on organizational change in trauma informed care, to include but not limited to, wellness, mental health, substance use (especially opioid use), and telehealth and its intersection with HIV in the Southern United States.

Funding Area:Reducing HIV-Related Stigma Reduction
Lead Coordinating Center: Southern AIDS Coalition

This initiative will focus on supporting the design, implementation, and evaluation of interventions to reduce HIV-related stigma.

Funding Area: Faith-Based Advocacy & Spiritually Integrated Capacity Building
Lead Coordinating Center: Wake Forest University School of Divinity
This initiative will focus on building the capacity of faith leaders’ understanding of and engagement with their communities’ health challenges and opportunities, and equipping them to co-create with key community partners new holistic strategies for addressing HIV/AIDS and related health concerns.

Learn More Before You Apply

It is highly recommended for those interested in applying to watch the recording of the  Transformative Grant webinar to gain valuable insights and guidance on the application process.

Click Here to Access the Recording of the TGP Webinar

2024 TGP Webinar PowerPoint Slides PDF

TGP Frequently Asked Questions

Interested In Applying?

Click here to learn more about application requirements and eligibility.

The final round of COMPASS Transformative grants will be awarded in June and will run for 15 months through September 2025. Other funding opportunities have been released and will continue to be released throughout the first half of this year. The final years of the program’s ten-year period will allow the coordinating centers to focus on sustainability – implementing the programming, collecting the data and recording success.

For questions related the to the Transformative Grant email

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Faith Organizational Resiliency Grants

2023 Applications Closed

Faith Organizational Resiliency Grants will provide funding for up to two organizations at $100,000 for 12 month programs to provide resources for faith-based organizations and/or nonprofit organizations to develop and scale programs and initiatives or conduct research to enhance communications, trauma informed care, health ministries, and other programs that promote positive and transformative faith and health outcomes throughout the Southern region of the United States, specifically in the area of HIV.

Example of funded activities in this focus area might include:

  • Focus groups, online surveys, or other formative research with PLHIV, people affected by HIV/AIDS, and/or those providing social or emotional support to people affected by HIV/AIDS, with a particular focus on faith-based approaches to engaging these groups (conducted on a statewide or national level);
  • Formalizing an existing program that has been well-received in state or national faith based organizations and communities;
  • Trainings for faith leaders and lay audiences in faith communities to build their capacity to develop content and/or facilitate the intervention on a statewide or national level
  • Develop an app or other online intervention to enhance faith leader training and sustainable programming on a statewide or national level
  • Establishing partnerships across interfaith, medical, and/or academic sectors on a statewide or national level
  • Expanding existing partnerships across interfaith (Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, traditional African spirituality, etc.) perspectives and/or medical and academic sectors on a statewide or national level
  • Bridging HIV, faith and advocacy work in local, state, or national legislatures
  • Addressing inequities in housing, economic justice, food insecurity as it overlaps with HIV and faith
  • Faith leader care (mental health, bereavement, burn out) and ministering to people living with HIV on a statewide or national level
  • Programs to engage Black women on stigma, HIV prevention and/or HIV treatment

Register for Information Sessions: 
Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 2 PM EST
Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 2 PM EST

Learn more information and eligibility requirements here.

Application deadline is Monday, May 8, 2023 at 11:59 PM EST. Any incomplete and late submission WILL NOT BE REVIEWED or CONSIDERED for participation. 

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Capacity Building Grants

2023 Applications Closed

The Emory University COMPASS Coordinating Center offers Capacity Building Grants of up to $25,000, to support activities which focus on growing organizations to their next level of operational, programmatic, financial, or organizational maturity. Funding requests must be related to building organizational capacity in one of the following areas:

  1.  Governance and leadership
  2.  Mission, values, and strategy
  3.  Finance and administration
  4.  Resource development
  5.  Strategic relationships/coalition building
  6.  Communications
  7.  Internal management and operations
  8.  Service delivery and impact

Priority will be given to grant proposals in the following focus areas: Organizing and mobilizing, Internal management and operations, and Communications. 


Criteria Description
HIV Focus Must be an HIV Service Organization, a Community Based Organization (CBO) that prioritizes HIV prevention or care services, or is a CBO with a substantial budgetary investment in HIV related programming.
Geographic Location Applicants must be located in and doing work in the following 12 Southern states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky,  Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Texas.
Non-Profit Status Applications must be non-profit, tax-exempt organizations as set forth in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Applicants that do not hold 501(c)(3) status must have a fiscal sponsor to apply.
Award Amount The maximum amount an applicant can request is $25,000.
Implementation Period Applicants must be able to complete work within a 7-month period beginning in April 2023 and ending in October 2023.

Applicants must have the support of the organization’s leadership.

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SPARK! Grants

2024 Applications Closed

In various aspects of knowledge and research, a gap still exists in how our communities address information about HIV and AIDS. Despite progress, stigma continues to impede effective HIV prevention and support. The key lies in community education, serving as a crucial tool to dispel misinformation, challenge stereotypes, and cultivate a precise understanding of HIV transmission and treatment. Ultimately, this fosters an environment marked by empathy and support.

SPARK! Southerners Promoting Awareness Resources and Knowledge supports organizations addressing HIV-related stigma and increase community-level knowledge through programming and campaigns. Grants will be awarded in two tracks.

SPARK! will provide funding and capacity building support totaling $25,000 per grantee to support programs.

This grant cycle, in addition to grant funds that will support projects under the two tracks outlined below, SPARK! grant applications may request capacity building support and grant budgets may include line items for capacity building support. Capacity building support can range from direct technical assistance from Southern AIDS Coalition or its partners to allocation in the grant to support the organization’s capacity, including supporting the organization hiring a consultant to assist with that growth.

For this cycle, we are prioritizing those projects focused on reaching people in communities that desire to implement projects that center advocacy, community mobilization, education and marketing campaigns that are designed to combat HIV stigma. While this funding opportunity is open to all communities, we will prioritize rural communities. We use a combination of the U.S. Census Bureau’s definition of “rural” along with the Stigma Services Desert1 map and data (found here) to define “rural.” For the designation of rural, the organizations must be located outside of an Urbanized Area (defined as having a population of 50,000 or more) or in a “service desert” (shown on the map) or both.

Track One: SPARK! Action aims to combat stigmatizing laws and policies through advocacy, education and mobilization in communities. This opportunity offers a platform to prepare communities with the necessary skill set to engage with local government and/or decision-makers as well as create local coalitions designed to raise awareness in communities around laws, policies and practices that perpetuate stigma and could potentially cause harm to people living with and/or impacted by HIV. Organizations are invited to apply.

Track Two: SPARK! Change supports community-level education addressing HIV-related stigma.  Successful funded projects have ranged from media campaigns to community conversations. The common thread across successful projects has been the commitment to centering the voices of those living with and impacted by HIV in all aspects of project design and implementation. Organizations are invited to apply.


Capacity Area  Associated Budget Line Item 
Board Composition, Commitment, Governance, and Involvement Board retreat and organizational development consultant / coach
Financial Planning & Budgeting Training for program staff on developing budgets and using Excel
Recruiting, Development, and Retention of Staff Hire an HR professional/consultant to conduct an assessment and subsequent training with organization leadership


Criteria Description
Geographic Location



Applicants must be located in and doing work in one of the following 12 southern states: Alabama, Arkansas Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Texas.
Implementation Period Funds must be expended by April 30, 2025.
Non-Profit Status Applications must be non-profit, tax-exempt organizations as set forth in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Applicants that do not hold 501(c)(3) status must have a fiscal sponsor to apply.
Evaluation Requirement Grantees will be provided with web-based evaluation tools to streamline data collection processes.  Evaluation support will be provided to grantees.


Click the link below to learn more and apply to one of the SPARK! grants.

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ACTION in the South

2024 Applications Open Now to April 8, 2024!

ACTION Language Justice 

Discover the 2024 ACTION Language Justice Program: Empowering HIV Service Organizations with up to $55,000 in grants and specialized training to champion language justice. This initiative is designed for organizations dedicated to serving communities most affected by HIV, including but not limited to Black, Brown, Indigenous, LGBTQ+, and gender-diverse individuals. Our mission is to break down linguistic barriers and challenge the dominance of Standard American English, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to communicate and participate fully. With the partnership of Tecolotl, we offer not just funding but also valuable coaching and training sessions. Join us in Houston, TX, from August 14-16, 2024, for an inclusive event that celebrates linguistic diversity and aims to build collective power across communities. Apply now to be a part of this transformative experience, where language justice meets social, racial, and gender equity.

Justicia Lingüística ACTION

Descubre el Programa de Justicia Lingüística ACTION 2024: Empoderando a las Organizaciones de Servicio para VIH con hasta $55,000 en subvenciones y capacitación especializada para abogar por la justicia lingüística. Esta iniciativa está diseñada para organizaciones dedicadas a servir a las comunidades más afectadas por el VIH, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, personas Negras, Morenas, Indígenas, LGBTQ+ y de diversidad de género. Nuestra misión es derribar las barreras lingüísticas y desafiar la dominancia del inglés americano estándar, asegurando que todos tengan la oportunidad de comunicarse y participar plenamente. Con la asociación de Tecolotl, ofrecemos no solo financiamiento sino también valiosas sesiones de entrenamiento y coaching. Únete a nosotros en Houston, TX, del 14 al 16 de agosto de 2024, para un evento inclusivo que celebra la diversidad lingüística y tiene como objetivo construir un poder colectivo a través de las comunidades. Aplica ahora para ser parte de esta experiencia transformadora, donde la justicia lingüística se encuentra con la equidad social, racial y de género.

Learn more information about this opportunity and eligibility requirements here.

How To Apply

Applications will be available online. Interested organizations should submit a completed application online by Monday, April 8, 2024, at 11:59 pm EST / 10:59 pm CST. to be eligible for participation.

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Faith Action Grants

2023 Applications Closed

Faith Action Grants will provide awards ranging between $25,000 to $50,000 to provide resources for nonprofit organizations for action-oriented projects centered around faith to help reduce stigma, engage in spiritually integrated trauma-informed care, and aid in changing the perception of HIV/AIDS in the south. We are seeking to fund organizations committed to the creation of inclusive faith spaces (virtual and/or in-person) for LGBTQ persons and people living with and affected by HIV that provide opportunities for physical, emotional, and financial wellness. If you are applying for $50,000, you need to make the case that your organization has the infrastructure (e.g., employees, accountant, etc.) and reach (e.g., statewide or regional engagement) to be competitive for that amount.

Learn more information and eligibility requirements here.

Application deadline is Monday, May 8, 2023 at 11:59 PM EST. Any incomplete and late submission WILL NOT BE REVIEWED or CONSIDERED for participation. 


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